High quality leads in your inbox

AI generated leads designed to convert quickly

+ Perfect for prospecting & lead gen +
+ Save 7+ hours a week of prep +
+ Includes Riley’s proprietary “how to pitch persuasively” +
+ Start your day with AI generated high quality leads in your inbox +

Industry leaders trust Riley


This package is for individuals


1 recipient
2 leads per business day

Leads include:

Company name & title
Phone + Email + Socials
Summary of the Lead

Riley Standard Support



For People And Teams Who Want More


Unlimited recipients
4 leads per business day

Leads include:

Company name & title
Phone + Email + Socials
Summary of the Lead
Why the lead is a good fit
AI Drafted Email Introduction
How to build trust with the lead

Riley Standard Support




For Those Who Want Customization


Contact Riley for custom pricing

Custom number of leads

Riley Enterprise Support


Easy as can be…

Fill out Riley’s one-time custom qualification criteria form


Open your email each business day to find 2 leads fitting your qualification criteria

Contact your lead and 
close that deal!

Any questions?
Contact us in the chat bubble below or email support@riley.ai.
